Agreement in Hindi Word

Agreement in Hindi Word – Understanding the Basics

Agreement, also known as concord, is a grammatical rule that states that words in a sentence should agree in number, gender, and case. It is an essential aspect of the Hindi language that must be correctly understood to create grammatically correct sentences. In this article, we will discuss the basics of the agreement in Hindi word and its significance in writing and speaking the language.

Gender Agreement in Hindi

In Hindi, all nouns are either masculine or feminine. Thus, the adjectives, verbs, pronouns, and other relevant words must agree with the gender of the noun it is describing. For instance, if the noun is masculine, then all the modifiers used to describe it must be masculine as well. Similarly, if the noun is feminine, then the modifiers used to describe it must be feminine as well.

Number Agreement in Hindi

Another essential aspect of agreement in Hindi is the number agreement. In Hindi, the singular and plural form of nouns is used to show the number of items present. When modifying nouns, adjectives, pronouns, and verbs must agree with the number of nouns it describes. For example, if a sentence describes a single item, then the adjective and verb should be in the singular form. Conversely, if it describes more than one item, then the adjective and verb should be in the plural form.

Case Agreement in Hindi

In Hindi, cases are used to show the relationship between words in a sentence. The noun`s case determines its function in the sentence, and the words describing it must agree with its case. The primary cases used in Hindi are nominative (subject of the sentence), accusative (direct object), and dative (indirect object). Thus, any modifiers used to describe the noun must match the case of the noun.

Significance of Agreement in Hindi

Agreement is a crucial aspect of the Hindi language as it ensures the clarity and accuracy of the sentences. A sentence that lacks agreement can have multiple interpretations, and this can lead to confusion and miscommunication. Thus, understanding the rules of agreement in Hindi is essential for effective communication and writing in the language.


In conclusion, agreement in Hindi is a grammatical rule that governs the use of words in a sentence. It ensures that all words in a sentence are in harmony in terms of gender, number, and case. Understanding the rules of agreement in Hindi is essential for creating grammatically correct sentences that are clear and accurate. As a copy editor, it is essential to pay attention to these details to ensure that the content is well written and effectively communicates the message.