Sales Agent Agreement Commission

Sales Agent Agreement Commission: Everything You Need to Know

In any sales business, commission payments are an integral part of the process. For sales agents, the commission they receive can make a significant difference in their income. That is why it is essential to have a comprehensive sales agent agreement that outlines the commission structure clearly. In this article, we will look at everything you need to know about sales agent agreement commissions.

What is a Sales Agent Agreement Commission?

A sales agent agreement commission is a written agreement between a company and a sales agent or representative. It outlines the terms of the sales agent`s employment or engagement, including the commission structure that the agent will receive on sales made. The commission is usually a percentage of the total sale price, and it can vary depending on the product or service being sold and the agreement between the sales agent and the company.

Why is a Sales Agent Agreement Commission Important?

A sales agent agreement commission is important for many reasons, including:

1. Protecting the Sales Agent: A comprehensive agreement ensures that the sales agent is protected and receives the agreed-upon commission for the sales they make.

2. Setting Clear Expectations: The agreement sets clear expectations for both the company and the sales agent. It outlines the commission structure, payment terms, and any other relevant provisions.

3. Avoiding Disputes: A well-drafted agreement can help avoid disputes between the sales agent and the company over commission payments.

What Should a Sales Agent Agreement Commission Include?

A sales agent agreement commission should include the following:

1. Commission Structure: The agreement should outline the commission structure, including the percentage of the total sale price that the sales agent will receive.

2. Payment Terms: The agreement should specify the payment terms, including how and when the commission will be paid.

3. Termination: The agreement should specify the circumstances under which the agreement can be terminated by either party.

4. Confidentiality and Non-Compete Clauses: The agreement may include clauses requiring the sales agent to keep confidential information about the company or prohibiting the sales agent from working for a competitor.

5. Governing Law: The agreement should specify the governing law and jurisdiction in case of disputes.

Tips for Negotiating Sales Agent Agreement Commissions

Here are some tips for negotiating sales agent agreement commissions:

1. Research: Research the industry standard commission rates for the product or service being sold to ensure that the commission rate is fair.

2. Negotiate: Negotiate the terms of the agreement, including the commission rate, payment terms, and any other relevant provisions.

3. Review: Carefully review the agreement to ensure that all terms are fair and reasonable.

4. Seek Legal Advice: Consider seeking legal advice to ensure that the agreement complies with applicable laws and regulations.


A comprehensive sales agent agreement commission is crucial for protecting the sales agent, setting clear expectations, and avoiding disputes. It should include the commission structure, payment terms, termination provisions, confidentiality, and non-compete clauses, and governing law. By negotiating the terms of the agreement and seeking legal advice, sales agents can ensure that they receive a fair and reasonable commission for their sales.